1. Collect and analyse product requirement (business and process) specifications for both new modules and functions as well as enhancements for application.
2. Evaluate business processes from a business, industry, and technical perspective. Elicit business requirements, draw conclusions, and recommend solutions. Ensure requirements comply with user and business specifications.
3. Business and system modelling.
4. Work with UI designer and application front end developers for user interface prototyping and UI standard specification
5. Draft online documentation, review different documentation for functional accuracy.
6. Communicate with customers and development teams for requirement clarification .
7. Participate in design and test case review.
8. Participate in system implementation, testing, training and technical support
Who we are looking for
1. Bachelor’s degree or above in Computer Science, Information System, Statistics, Business Analytics, Logistics or related disciplines.
2. Able to think unconventionally to derive creative and innovative solutions.
3. Good analytical skills and capabilities to break down complex procedures into user-friendly and logical steps.
4. Good team player with excellent communication and presentation skills.
5. Experience on use case modelling and user interface prototyping is plus
6. Passed CET-6
1. Collect and analyse product requirement (business and process) specifications for both new modules and functions as well as enhancements for application.
2. Evaluate business processes from a business, industry, and technical perspective. Elicit business requirements, draw conclusions, and recommend solutions. Ensure requirements comply with user and business specifications.
3. Business and system modelling.
4. Work with UI designer and application front end developers for user interface prototyping and UI standard specification
5. Draft online documentation, review different documentation for functional accuracy.
6. Communicate with customers and development teams for requirement clarification .
7. Participate in design and test case review.
8. Participate in system implementation, testing, training and technical support
Who we are looking for
1. Bachelor’s degree or above in Computer Science, Information System, Statistics, Business Analytics, Logistics or related disciplines.
2. Able to think unconventionally to derive creative and innovative solutions.
3. Good analytical skills and capabilities to break down complex procedures into user-friendly and logical steps.
4. Good team player with excellent communication and presentation skills.
5. Experience on use case modelling and user interface prototyping is plus
6. Passed CET-6
ü 珠海信息技术开发中心成立于2004年,专注于航运物流应用平台及数字化创新项目的开发,现拥有700多人的技术研发团队。
ü 作为东方海外全球五大软件研发中心之一,与其他四个研发中心(硅谷、香港、上海及马尼拉)在技术上保持同步,在项目开发上互为补充,同时拥有数据科学和人工智能研发团队,实现了区块链技术在物联网项目中的应用。
ü 东方海外于2000年成立货讯通科技CargoSmart。货讯通致力于协助企业发展全球供应链的数字化变革,为物流和运输团队提供创新的解决方案。
ü 于2020年创立和易孚IQAX国际科技公司,以物联网/区块链/大数据分析/人工智能等技术为基础,提供数字化智能解决方案。
ü 主要的开发平台及技术包括:
LLM, OpenAI GPT, LangChain, AI Agents, Prompt Engineering, Hybrid Cloud, Big Data, Machine Learning, IoT, Digital Twins, Blockchain, etc.







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